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To The



What is "Powers to the People"?

Powers to the People is a story mixing drama, fantasy, superheroes and politic. What would happen if 3% of Earth's population obtained special abilities overnight?


It's about superpowers and how society treats those who wield them: the misshapens. The concepts of vigilantism and justice are explored and questioned along with those who serve this justice.


It's also a story about a self-made woman who used her new abilities to accomplish her dreams and become a superhero.


It's about dreams, the dreams we all have but can only see depicted in such stories.


It's about these dreams, and the bitter results they'd have if they were set in our world.


It's about human nature, and its crave for power. 



This is Powers to the People.


"In a world where aliens, superheroes, and magicians are rarely in the streets, the people will be forced to face the apparition of millions of them. It all began when 3% of Earth population suddenly got abilities. Some complied with the government and register in order to go back to their former life; others used this opportunity to make a difference. Alex is one of them.

Elliot is a member of a vigilante organization called the Golden Gang, they try to recruit as many newcomers as they can, but another super mercenary group has more success: The Kalden Knights. Elliot will be asked to investigate their case. He’ll join forces with Andy Skyberg, another vigilante, and they’ll both try to find the most powerful misshapen as they guess that’s what the Knights will be after. Meanwhile, a media war between the Golden Gang and the Kalden Knights will start. Eventually, SilverFox and Andy will find this new misshapen. It will lead them to a much bigger issue and when they understand what’s coming, they’ll try to unite all parts."

Charlie (creator)



The face of the world changed on this night of October when for no logical reason and without any clear explanation, what will later be estimated as 3% of Earth’s population received special abilities. Gifts for some, burdens for others; these newfound abilities sure will cause quite a mess. It isn't a secret that superpowered people (or misshapen) have been living among us humans for quite some time already, they’ve proven to be very useful during the Second World War but less nowadays. Some of them unite in groups to fight crime as vigilantes, they are aware of the danger they represent and work a lot on their image; for instance, the Golden Gang. This group of vigilante was formed in the early 70s’ by the father of one of its current members and financed by the father of another member. The current leader Trooper, has proven himself numerous time despite his lack of transparency concerning his origins. After the Event, this group will work toward the safety of the people and of the 3%. With the support of the government, they’ll encourage people to register themselves and to be guided into special centers where they’d spend 2 months trying to understand and control their new powers in order to live normally again.

One of these new misshapen named Alex Sun Hwa felt like this was exactly what she’s been waiting for her whole life: a chance to live the life she wanted to lead rather than just follow the path society set for her in order to keep her in check. She refused to be registered and left the boarding school she was in. She spent a few months in New York trying to make a living; her telekinesis power came in handy to bring plates around the restaurant when she worked as a waitress. It added something to this place, a nice and friendly approach to those powers that can seem so dangerous. She slowly got a hand of her abilities and started to make a decent amount of money. People started talking about her and her “kind” in more indulgent terms. After all, they were still humans, not all humans are dangers to the others. Without really knowing it, she participated in the acceptance of misshapens in society, not just vigilante misshapens, all misshapen taking part in community life and using their abilities to build and make life easier for everybody. Alex will do some babysitting work to buy herself a suit on the Super-Supermarket. Now was the time she would accomplish her lifelong dream and join the Golden Gang as a vigilante. But first she needed something to put on her resume, and she had to start by protecting the folks of New York as best as she could. For a few months, she watched Isaac, a 10-year-old boy, she confessed to him everything she was trying to accomplish, he supported her and looked up to her way more than she ever could imagine. One night as his parents were gone to the cinema, Alex was watching Isaac. Around bedtime, a young man with noticeably golden eyes and a slightly younger man with dark hair came knocking at the door-- they were looking for Isaac.



Not all characters present in the story are represented here. Only the major ones . Nearly all these characters are created by the author Charlie but credit goes to Michael Louis for Trooper and Quentin F. for Archangel (and its concept).


Credit goes to Hommicue ( for the SilverFox and OwlKnight concepts.

All characters are original and set in a bigger universe of which we hope to tell you more stories!


The morally ambigous vigilante

Elliot Reinhart has been with the Golden Gang ever since it began, just like his father with the previous incarnation of the Gang. 

Elliot doesn't care much for morals, he thinks it's a leash for those who need rewards and recognition. But he isn't immoral either, he wouldn't kill anyone (he's more likely to find a way to make someone else do it for him).

Alex Sun Hwa

The super dreamer

Alex has always aspired to more. As a student, she doesn't get to see a lot of the world. She was one of the 3%, and she'll do anything to accomplish her dreams now that she can reach them.

Isaac Hattaway

The unfortunate god

The victim and focus of this story. He is the most powerful of the 3% and everybody is after him because of this. Alex will get closer to him and try to rescue him. She is his voice of reason and he listens to her only.


Father, businessman, former vigilante, mayor of New York, smartest man on Earth.

What can I say about Oliver Banks except that you'd want him on your side. Unfortunately (or fortunately) he seems to have retired from the superhero business. He's now the CEO, along with his childhood friend Adam Foley (aka Phoenix) of one of the largest innovative technology company. As the mayor of New York City, he encourages regulated acts of vigilantism and funds the Golden Gang for this reason.


The fearless leader of the Golden Gang

Hassan Wasem has been appointed by Oliver Banks to assume the position of leader for the newly founded Golden Gang.

He was in the US military for 6 years and has been working for the CIA for a short while. That's how Oliver spotted him; he was trying to infiltrate Phoenix Tech's building to steal company secrets. Some could think he never really forgot his mission even after he became the face of the new age of vigilantism.


The receptacle of the norse demon Hati

Andy Skyberg is the twin brother of Samuel Skyberg, an established member of the Golden Gang. Andy his linked to the demon Hati, the wolf who chases the moon; and his brother is linked to Skoll, who chases the sun.

Andy only recently decided to join the Golden Gang. He'll find himself having to be the sidekick for SilverFox, a rather unsatisfying position considering what he can do.


The Kalden Knight in chief

She is a rare example of someone who battled and won against a god. She was originally a magician training at Magister's Manor, but something happened and a god got loose, she was the receptacle. The goddess left some of her powers to Akhmet. She later joined the Kalden Knight, not wanting to deal with the governments (magic or human).


The heir of kings

He's what some may call a metal bender, a secondary Elemental who's ancestors survived in the Elemental war. And he's a Kalden Knight, an apprentice mercenary independent from any form of government. He' leads his own junior team composed of Lotus and Apollo.

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This part will be frequently refilled with concepts and designs from our artist working on the project: Kinma.


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Both concepts by Kinma




Misshapens are super-humans, they can be mutants or genetically modified humans. The origin of misshapening itself comes from magic shards. Direct contact with these shards give sensibility to magic, opening those shards and breaking them apart delivers a monumental quantity of energy. This energy is simply pure magic in a free state. Gods possess pure magic in a considerably more concentrated state. The exposure to these rays modify genetic structure (as any radioactive explosion does), but in this case, pure magic will be said to have a "consciousness", it will modify with a purpose. If to survive or to thrive you need to hunt, such an exposure will allow you to detect animals from far away, or create fire with your hands, or even fly. This energy knows about the world and evolve each time it’s passed to the next generation. That’s why we can find people able to control electricity, or computer circuits. Just like the magic gene, the misshapen gene is hereditary. It has no virtual limitation but it can very often be a real burden for the misshapen. 


The versatility of superpowers is explained by the evolutionary process and adaptability of the misshapen gene, but what kind of abilities does it include?


Part 1: Physical misshapening.


This kind of misshapening is about body changes and the ability to change your body form and structure. It’s the primal evolutionary misshapening, the ability to adapt to your surroundings, that’s how we got werewolves in the first place (they closed themselves to the world in communities). But this also includes enhanced physical strength, reflexes and anything related to physical skills. What characterizes misshapens is that their abilities can only be more or less intense, but they can’t change anything about it. Like all mishappenings, it’s most of the time separated in three other categories: the Mystical, Biological, and Quantum Physical Mishappenings.


Some examples of physical misshapening:

Mystical-Physical Misshapening- SilverFox: His ability to see the future only affects himself but relies on divine magic (or quantum magic).



Biological-Physical Misshapening- Apollo: His ability to adapt to whatever he threatened by is purely biological, it relies on molecular structure and reconstruction along with body creation of new cells.


Quantum-Physical Misshapening- Gravity Punch: His ability to lower down or concentrate his boy density allowing him to elevate or stick to the ground only affects himself on a quantum level, it’s about his atoms, their kinetic energy, and density.



Part 2: Externally Effective Misshapening.


This category is about misshapens with the ability to affect (and not control) their surrounding. It’s pretty much what you think it would be, some can unload energy, this energy was either inside them (if they also had energy containment abilities, which they practically always do), or in another dimension (in that case they simply have the ability to summon simplistic portals). As always, this can be separated into three categories: The Mystical, Biological and the Quantum Externally Effective misshapening.


Some examples of Externally Effectivemisshapening:

Mystical External Effective Misshapening- Akhmet: Her abilities to summon cursed fire originates from an Egyptian deity. She can only do that but the source is infinite.


Biological External Effective Misshapening- Crimson Blur: His abilities to store, channel and deliver heat/laser energy relies on his inner link to another dimension, but his power itself is only effective as long as it can rely on Crimson Blur’s biological structure


Quantum External Effective Misshapening- Monarch: Her ability to channel “primitive” energy allow her to create with her hand anything that goes through her mind, the energy has to go through her first.


Part 3: Spatially Based Misshapening


This kind is about controlling environment itself, space itself. Unlike Externally Effective Misshapenig, this one doesn’t rely on the users’ body, only on their grasp to the universe they're in (or others). This includes such basic abilities as telekinesis or nature control. And of course, we can separate it into three categories: Mystical, Biological, and Quantum Spatial Misshapening.


Some examples of Spatially Based misshapening:

Mystical Spatial Misshapening- Lady Midnight: This ability is also known as divine magic, chaos magic or eildritch magic. It’s pretty much the ability to create and destroy anything thanks to a control over pure magic, the users documented are gods and few humans.


Biological Spatial Misshapening- Arabella: In this case, Mechanical Spatial Misshapening. She can construct anything just by picturing the finale product, it’s a special ability engineered by an old king. She manipulate the object themselves, and they’re part of the world’s construct.


Quantum Spatial Misshapening- Kobolt: He has the ability to manipulate his surrounding on an atomic level, he controls atoms kinetic energy and direction.


Part 4: Others


There are other possible origin of a misshapening, notably a Red Tear origin: All super-humans emerging from an experiment are considered misshapens, the ranking for red tear victims stays the same: but their power doesn’t evolve in the same way:


The Red Tear: After researchers on the shards, scientists tried to recreate the event by utilizing shard dust into a chemical. They called it the Red Tear because of its color and the fact that it dives deep into people’s minds and feeling to determine their incoming abilities. Like any well programed robot, it does what it’s asked to do without consideration, and without limit. That’s why red tear victim can see their biggest trait radically opposed (the red tear trying to compensate). That’s how a retarded boy became the most intelligent man on Earth, a shy kid the most convincing, a girl in a wheelchair able to fly and a bling girl can see for miles and on many different spectrums. The changes provoked can’t really stop, it goes on and on until the victim dies, at least without the help of the Blue Tear. It stops the evolution of the red tear by freezing it where it is, the victim keeps their new ability at whichever state of the transformation it stopped at. Owl Knight never received the Blue Tear, he stocked his knowledge in external databases in order to stay sane, but not being treated caused Fallouts. The Fallout of the Red Tear are like the slightly less clever version of the Red Tear, rather than doing the opposite of the biggest trait, they just do what they see and enhance what the victim was doing at the moment of the contact (It was later localized and stored because the fallout are less dangerous and more predictable than the red tear). Note that the Fallouts don’t kill.


To conclude:


It’s important to say that most of the time, misshapening are mixes of these categories, for example, Phoenix can control people with his voice, which is a category 1 misshapening, but he does have an effect on his surroundings, making it a category 2 misshapening. It can be more or less clear and it became even less through the generation and genetic exchanges. Today only a new shard explosion exposure can truly create a single category power (like SilverFox).






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