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Sense No Evil

And Live On


"A modern take on a fantasy thematic. The world of Alestra, a Brazilian witch in New York, evolved secretly surrounded by magic. One day, a major pillar of the stability of this secret world vanished. To rescue him, Alestra and many other people will race to find an ancient relic: The Book of Thoth."

Charlie (creator)


Today in New York City, Alestra Diaz, the assistant of a magician, almost died trying to save her cousin Alice. The new student, Kayden, and her master, Magnus, came to rescue her. Little did she know that she had just faced the very same outlaw magic group that will 2 months later try to reveal the magical world to the humans: The Golden Dawn.


Zachary and Teresa are two humans who found their way into this group, they seek knowledge and comprehension of this strange world. Zachary is a kid who has wanted to prove that magic is real ever since he saw a magician disappear in the subway. Teresa is a scientist; she found energetic traces of magic and intend very well to prove that it is nothing else than another science.


Magnus, Alestra’s master, will disappear while investigating a missing part of history that he just now remembers about. As he vanishes, he leaves only one hint for whoever would try to find him: “The Book of Thoth is almost in Hermopolis”. Magnus had found and hidden the Book many years before, it’s like a failsafe if he ever needs a large amount of power or any kind of answer. Everybody got the message and many people started looking for the Book. But few clever sorcerers were able to comprehend the hidden message and searched in the right direction while every other hunter was buying a plane ticket for Egypt.


Zanobi and Soraya, the mentally inseparable thief duo will start looking for the book with the help of a professional thief. Timothy Mortimer was in charge of surveilling Alestra and Kayden, the prime suspects in Magnus’ disappearance. By following them, he’ll get on the right path to find the book and will play a major part in the end.


Meanwhile, Zachary and Teresa are working with the Golden Dawn to plan all the aspects of the integration of magicians in the human world. While at the same time being on the track of the book like many other. In the end, it will be revealed what puzzled Magnus at the beginning of the story, and all the parts in this adventure will collide to finally cause the end of the magical secrecy in the world.


Alestra Diaz

The cryptozoologist

She was brought to Magnus when she was just a kid, her parents didn’t know how to deal with her ha ndicap (unrevealed); they brought her to the only person who could help her. She grew up working for Magnus and became a very skilled and powerful magician. She tends to prefer hand cast magic, making her a very dangerous opponent with multitasking abilities. She is fond of mythical creature and animals, her cat; Lucifer (Lucy for the relatives) is a talking spawn of a demon; she often spends time in the room of the 3rd floor: The Garden where all creatures are kept in an infinite loop making them think they are in their natural habitat. She only recently reconnected with her cousin Alice, she does not judge what she does for a living since she’s basically her only relative (Alice is in a local mystic crime organization).

Magnus Galloway

The High Mage

Also known as Magister in human history books, Magnus is an immortal mage, he mastered all kind of magic and is a universal reference when it comes to history, magic and literature (he tries to get into music but is stuck in the swinging 60s). He runs his own orphanage when he educates the next generation of great human and magical leaders. His manor: Magister’s Mansion is universally known as a notable landmark, but nobody can visit it or even find it in New York (special invisibility charm). He has the second greatest book and relic collection in the worlds. He can die but will regenerate his mind into the first baby born after his death. It makes it quite difficult for his mages to find him in the world since Magnus can’t revive his memories until he’s reached 7 years old. When they do find him, they make him older, he is 52 years old again because that’s when he first became a mage; he can’t keep his youth and his memory at the same time.

Kayden Callahan

The new comer

He arrived at the manor few weeks before everything went south. He is a British apprentice magician and was send to Magnus for a proper magical education even though he is basically the same age as Alestra. He likes dressing properly and is one of the only characters with a wand (very European). He’s a bit proud and cocky but when, and if, you get past this, he’s really caring and sweet.

Soraya Davenport

The battle witch

Originally from Africa, she came to America with Zanobi to steal something from Magnus, a special device allowing anyone to see the past in the location they’re at. After Magnus disappeared, they made their move and got caught. Alestra made a deal with them, they would help her find the book, and in exchange, she would give them the device. Soraya is from a very rich family and had a complete training and education, she mainly uses offensive and defensive spells and shares a permanent telepathic link with Zanobi. At first, she didn’t care much about history, but hearing Zanobi think about it all the time got her into it. She has no interest in finding the book and neither does Zanobi simply because it has already been found by Magnus a few years before. But in exchange for a way to find any other treasure, she’ll try to find it.

Zanobi Purpura

The Historian

Zanobi became deaf when his plane crashed, he was coming back from a summer camp and had just created the telepathic link with Soraya. He had amnesia from the shock and didn’t know where to go and what to do. Magic allowed him to escape the burning remains but he had no idea where he was and who he was; he only had her voice in the head. He’d eventually find people like him willing to welcome him and help him understand what he was dealing with when it came to magic. He stayed with them for a few years, his family thought he died in the plane crash. He’s passionate about the past and the symbols and recurring image in history.

Timothy Mortimer

An agent of the Magical Organization of North America (M.O.N.A)

He is well known in the middle and was brought back from retirement for this special occasion. He usually wears a long yellow coat and sunglasses.

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Lucy (Lucifer) - Alestra's cat

This show would be for as much for young people as for adults. It has a mysterious and eye-catching premise but will progress with a serious and realistic tone. The magic itself stands out from Harry Potter or The Magicians simply because it’s so diverse and practical; it has evolved in different ways through the ages and many people shaped it the way they wanted. This explain why someone can revive the dead and someone else can get a bunny (or a giraffe) out of a hat.

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